A new company has been formed in Nevada, one with aspirations of changing the dynamics in the advanced wound care space. ​ Founded by industry stalwart Nick Andolino, BioWound Solutions aims to be exactly what the name suggests: ​ A company focused on the wound care space, providing healthcare practitioners with a myriad of solutions designed to achieve healing and avoid complications such as amputations and infections. ​

The global wound care market is estimated to be in excess of $23 Billion in annual sales, with the United States being the largest portion of the total. ​ BioWound Solutions is a U.S. focused company, and will start as a sales agent and distributor of wound care products. ​

Nick Andolino, Managing Partner said: “We are excited to put together a group of highly experienced wound care people at BioWound, and we have a vision to be the go-to company for providers in the space to offer them solutions that help them treat and heal patients, and thus helping them to live longer, more active lives.” Furthermore, Mr. Andolino said, “While we initially will be focused on distributing various manufacturer’s products, in time we expect to acquire numerous products and companies in the space to expand our product offerings. ​

Stay tuned for more news from BioWound Solutions as we begin our journey of growth and patient-focused initiatives.

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Biowound Solutions LLC




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